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я еще ту, по асинрону не дочитал, отвлекся на художественную ) ... |
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12.08.2023, 00:18 |
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Блин, времени нет позаниматься по книжкам. Интерпретатор реально интересно, просто для развлечения. Но работаю пока на двух работах, и выходные заняты. Остается просто вечерами читать, без практики. ... |
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12.08.2023, 00:23 |
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Сайт с новыми книгами (правда без ссылок для скачивания). https://delphi-books.com/en/livres-par-date.html я пока охочусь за этой (трехтомник) ... |
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12.08.2023, 11:40 |
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17.08.2023, 17:05 |
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Не совсем новая (2019), но любопытно. ссылка для скачивания https://cloud.mail.ru/public/1KND/xbMLrR7a4 Creating Gear: An interpreter written in Free Pascal using an external tree visitor pattern Jeroen de Haan This is a no-nonsense book about creating an interpreted programming language, named “Gear”, using an external visitor pattern. Why Gear? No particular reason, I just like the sound of it… In this book I won’t describe a lot of theory, as there are plenty of good books out there. As a matter of fact, I do recommend reading a few of them, such as: - Writing Compilers and Interpreters, A software emgineering approach (Ronald Mak) - Language Implementation Patterns (Terence Parr) Then, there are hands-on websites/blogs that describe and create an interpreter on-the-go: - Let’s build a simple interpreter (https://ruslanspivak.com/lsbasi-part1/) (Ruslan Spivak) - Crafting Interpreters (http://craftinginterpreters.com) (Bob Nystrom) These books/blogs use Java or Python as programming language. The code in this book is based on the programming language Object Pascal, a modern pascal version, and the free downloadable IDE ‘Lazarus’. Lazarus/Free Pascal is available for Windows, Linux, OSX, and many other Operatig Systems. It’s slogan is: ‘Write once, compile anywhere’! The website and download links are available at: http://www.lazarus-ide.org/index.php. For this book I use version 2.0.4 (or later) of Lazarus and version 3.04 (or later) of Free Pascal. Она предплагает, что вы уже умеете делать интерпретаторы, просто захотели сделать еще один на паскале. Я сейчас начал делать интерпретатор по этой книге, там с азов, и вообще по максимуму упрощенно. Единственно недостаток что на GO. Я переделываю на c# (хотя шарп тоже не особо знаю). https://cloud.mail.ru/public/8S4m/Xty73Rd3s ... |
Изменено: 20.08.2023, 15:14 - Неуловимый Джо
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20.08.2023, 15:13 |
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20.08.2023, 15:18 |
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20.08.2023, 18:21 |
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чьорт, тело функции пропустил в исходном коде. ... |
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20.08.2023, 19:05 |
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20.08.2023, 20:28 |
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Заглядываю сейчас время от времени в книжку интерпретатор на паскале, сравнить как там то или иное реализовано. Паскаль все-таки красивый язык. Вон как просто, и проверять вхождение обычным in. На Go отдельные методы для подобных проверок.PS пора наверно отдельную тему для интерпретаторов. ... |
Изменено: 21.08.2023, 09:32 - Неуловимый Джо
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21.08.2023, 09:27 |
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Crafting Interpreters by Robert Nystromссылка на амазон https://www.amazon.com/Crafting-Interpreters-Robert-Nystrom/dp/0990582930 Вот эту книгу прям очень хвалят. На Java делает сначала интерпретатор, а потом виртуальную машину на C. Хорошо объясняет теорию создания интерпретаторов. Я начал читать, хоть и продолжу на паскале пока. ссылка для скачивания https://cloud.mail.ru/public/mpTz/yGX3bb9ye ... |
30.08.2023, 20:16 |
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Букинистика :) on Pascal Compilers Книга 1985го года. Как делать компиляторы на паскале, нашел ее упоминание на форуме как чуть ли не лучшую книгу по созданию компиляторов.ссылка на амазон https://www.amazon.com/Brinch-Hansen-Pascal-Compilers/dp/0130830984 ссылка для скачивания https://cloud.mail.ru/public/L87Q/BcobE2f4A ... |
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07.09.2023, 10:09 |
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Комментарий об этой книге. The best compiler book! This is a practical book, ideal for study. If you get stuck with other compiler books, don't hesitate to buy this one. This book is undoubtedly the best compiler book. And I think it always will be. Brinch tells you the steps of creating a Pascal-like compiler, clearly stating the correct way to get the results. You don't need a PhD to create a compiler. If you follow the book, there are numerous code examples, and there is an entire listing in the appendix. The book has no typos, the code fragments are concise and understandable, and there is no missing code. In about 1000 lines, a non-trivial compiler can be written. You can easily adjust the code to make your compiler of choice. Some things to be aware of: 1) The book was written in the old DOS days. This is an advantage because the author had to keep the code small while making it as powerful as possible. 2) I expected the book to teach me how to compile to a DOS native EXE program. Unfortunately, it doesn't. The book is about creating interpretive-compilers, which involve a Virtual Machine. The VM used is simple, and is stack based. If you want an executable, you can still do it. You'd just have to write code that maps the virtual machine code to a real CPU. To do that, you'd need the specs of the CPU. 3) The book doesn't use object-oriented-programming. The procedural style of the code makes for easy reading and once you understand it, you will be in a good position to create your own language (even an OO one). 4) The Virtual Machine is stack-based. This results in ease of compiler creation. Most other compiler books are more advanced and use registers instead of stacks. You only need to use registers if you want to write an optimising compiler, which this book does not teach you. 5) The book uses a top-down, recursive descent, parser. This is the best way to handcraft a compiler. Many compilers use this type of parser. They are simple enough that you can easily code them. Most books on compilers teach too much theory, especially trying to explain DFA and then telling you that it's too hard to hand-code, so you should tools like lex and yacc. I've found it much better to simply hand-code these first 2 stages. In that way, you get a perfect knowledge of its workings. 6) The best method of error-recovery is given 7) There is some formal maths but the English explanations make it understandable. Hopefully the publishers will reprint this book. Otherwise, grab a copy asap. ... |
Изменено: 07.09.2023, 10:19 - Неуловимый Джо
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07.09.2023, 10:11 |
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Classic work on the topic walks you through a complete implementation of a recursive descent parser. We used this book in a compiler class many years ago along with the Dragon Book. Personally, I found this one more useful and practical than the Dragon Book over the years. With the Dragon Book you'll get a good survey of compilers and compiler strategies and shift reduce parsing. With this book, it will walk you tutorial style step by step through implementation of a recursive descent parser. ... |
Изменено: 07.09.2023, 10:19 - Неуловимый Джо
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07.09.2023, 10:17 |
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Компилятор как следующий шаг после интерпретатора ) Правда тут делается не exe файл, а создается виртуальная машина типа явы. Вообще, интерпретатор как пет-проект классная вещь, и не сказать что слишком сложно, и в то же время затрагивает много областей языка. Хорошо для тренировки в делфях. ... |
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07.09.2023, 10:22 |
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on Pascal Compilers ... |
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07.09.2023, 12:14 |
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07.09.2023, 14:00 |
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